Bus ticket from | 14€ |
Maximum coach ticket price | 84€ |
Average bus trip duration | 6h10m |
Bus companies | FlixBus, BlaBlaCar Bus, Union Ivkoni - Unibus, RegioJet, *Юнион-Ивкони, BlaBlaCar |
Distance | 364 km |
Amsterdam is the next destination of your holiday? Are you looking for a cheap bus Frankfurt am Main Amsterdam?
To find the cheapest bus Frankfurt am Main Amsterdam tickets, use the ComparaBUS multitransport comparator. At a glance, view all bus tickets from all bus companies for your journey. You can also compare all modes of transport (bus, train, plane, carpool). With ComparaBUS it's convenient, you can organize bus tickets according to price, time or duration. It all depends on your needs.
To join Amsterdam from Frankfurt am Main, you have the choice between several bus companies : FlixBus, BlaBlaCar Bus, Union Ivkoni - Unibus, RegioJet, *Юнион-Ивкони and BlaBlaCar.
You can find Frankfurt am Main Amsterdam bus tickets from 14€. The bus journey takes about 6h10m for a distance of 364 km.
Find all the information for your bus trip between Frankfurt am Main and Amsterdam:
FlixBus is the leader in the long-distance coach market in Europe and was launched in 2013. Thanks to your ComparaBUS comparator, quickly visualize all the cheap Frankfurt am Main Amsterdam FlixBus offers.
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands is an ideal destination to spend the weekend. The city known for its canals and 1,281 bridges, you can travel along with them on foot or by bicycle, as cycling is a very popular means of transport in the Netherlands as well. Don't miss a trip to the flower market along the Singel canal to see the traditional tulip, a visit to the Rijksmuseum or Anne Frank's house.
Top 3 places to visit in Amsterdam
Company | Departs | Arrives | Duration | Fare |
RegioJet |
13/12 - 5:25 Frankfurt am Main |
13:30 Amsterdam |
8h05m | 30€ |
FlixBus |
11/12 - 22:55 Frankfurt am Main |
11:35 Amsterdam |
12h40m | 70€ |
FlixBus |
11/12 - 22:55 Frankfurt am Main |
8:20 Amsterdam |
9h25m | 76€ |
FlixBus |
11/12 - 22:55 Frankfurt am Main |
8:45 Amsterdam |
9h50m | 76€ |
*Юнион-Ивкони |
13/12 - 10:30 Frankfurt am Main |
21:00 Amsterdam |
10h30m | 24€ |
Union Ivkoni - Unibus |
13/12 - 10:30 Frankfurt am Main |
21:00 Amsterdam |
10h30m | 29€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 22:55 Frankfurt am Main |
8:20 Amsterdam |
9h25m | 57€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 3:10 Frankfurt am Main |
12:05 Amsterdam |
8h55m | 43€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 22:55 Frankfurt am Main |
8:45 Amsterdam |
9h50m | 57€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 12:45 Frankfurt am Main |
19:50 Amsterdam |
7h05m | 43€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 11:00 Frankfurt am Main |
18:45 Amsterdam |
7h45m | 34€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 7:00 Frankfurt am Main |
14:20 Amsterdam |
7h20m | 41€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 4:15 Frankfurt am Main |
10:30 Amsterdam |
6h15m | 35€ |
FlixBus |
13/12 - 1:20 Frankfurt am Main |
7:30 Amsterdam |
6h10m | 40€ |
Union Ivkoni - Unibus |
13/12 - 10:30 Frankfurt am Main |
21:00 Amsterdam |
10h30m | 26€ |